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The Pitter Patter of Little Feet!

Animal babies make me swoon!!

Last Wednesday I was getting a birthing spot in our Nursery Barn ready for our Holland Lop female rabbit, Belle. She was due any day and we were so excited! I got her moved in and then took our daughter, Twinkle off to dance classes while our son, Bugs stayed home with BeatleDad. When we got home BeatleDad brought me Belle for a pregnancy checkup, he was concerned because she was panting.

Now you've got to remember, BeatleDad is still learning about farming and animals. They had dogs, cats, and a duck(that flew the coop). So he's still figuring it all out and I believe he is enjoying these new adventures...although like any stubborn man, he wouldn't admit it lol!!

When I felt her tummy it was firm and I told the family that our sweet Belle was going to give birth soon! That night while we were all tucked into bed, Belle gave birth to 7 perfect little kits! All babies are healthy and just plain adorable.

New Kits!!

Then the weather got crazy on us...welcome to North Carolina, where Mother Nature is Bi-Polar and you never know how to dress!!

Seriously we were all in shorts Wednesday, then Thursday evening it started getting chilly and by was SNOWING!!! What the heck!!?? We've spent almost all winter in shorts and now it's MARCH! The nursery barn isn't equipped for super cold weather like that yet, it's still a work in progress. SO, Belle and her new babies came inside and stayed toasty warm.

Now it's Wednesday and these adorable Buns are 1 week old and starting to get their fur!! They're all so cute and we cannot wait to start cuddling them. The black and white kit is named Moo and will stay with us. We will be working hard at not becoming attached to them all as we will be saying goodbye to the others as we find them homes.

They're getting their fur!

I can't wait until they're all hopping around and playing!

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