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Our Beginning

All because of three rabbits and 6 chickens!

That's right, our backyard farm began with 3 rabbits and 6 chickens....and then we were HOOKED!

When our children Bugs who is 8 and Twinkle who is 7 were younger they really wanted rabbits, which translates to: they asked BeatleDad on a daily basis for rabbits lol! He brought home two meat rabbits and it was love! Then I got a rabbit for myself. 

Then in 2016 the kids and I went to chick days at our local Tractor Supply....and brought home 6 red ranger chicks. We were done for! 

Now we're the proud owners of 56 animals! We have chickens, ducks, goats, rabbits, cats, quail, an african pygmy hedgehog, a guinea pig and a dog! We have named our small backyard farm Feathers and Fluff Farm!

Most of our animals are named after Disney and Harry Potter characters because we are some of the biggest Disney and Harry Potter nerds in the south! Join us on our adventures!

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